February 2023

02.28.2023 Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C.  It's Tip Tuesday! Tune in each week as we answer common Estate Planning questions and address misconceptions. Now that you know what an irrevocable trust is, why would you want one? Is there a question you would like to have...

02.21.2023 Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C.  It's Tip Tuesday! Tune in each week as we answer common Estate Planning questions and address misconceptions. You've probably heard the term irrevocable trust, but what does that mean? Is there a question you would like to have answered? Let us...

02.17.2023 Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C.  Brian Eagle and Eagle & Fein were recognized as the top Indianapolis Alzheimer's Walk Team and Individual Fundraising Champion! These accomplishments would not have been possible without the support of our clients, colleagues, friends and family. We are so thankful! The...

02.15.2023 Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C.  We had an extra special Valentine’s delivery- a puppy gram! This pup in training visited from ICAN. Read more about the ICAN organization below: ICAN is meeting two important needs in our communities: (a) providing children and adults living with a...

02.08.2023 Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C.  Kendra was at the Indiana Statehouse yesterday advocating for legislation to help Hoosiers affected by dementia in honor of all of our clients, family, and friends! Thank you to the Alzheimer's Association for all of their efforts and for putting...

02.07.2023 Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C.  It's Tip Tuesday! Tune in each week as we answer common Estate Planning questions and address misconceptions. What is an ESOP and how do they work? Let us know if we can help you get the process started! Is there a...

02.01.2023 Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C.  The Indiana Soccer Association held their Annual Meeting and Gala this Saturday. The becauseOne team joined in on the fun! Eagle & Fein is the proud sponsor of the Indiana Soccer Association Inc's Room on becauseOne: https://becauseone.com/n/indianasoccerassociationinc Check out how you...