$30,000 for 30 Years of Serving Our Clients

$30,000 for 30 Years of Serving Our Clients


Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C. 

Eagle & Fein is turning 30 this year and we would love to celebrate with you! Please join us on August 31, 2022 at 5 p.m. at Conner Prairie for a night of celebration, philanthropy, and reminiscing.

Every year, the firm participates in the Indianapolis Walk to End Alzheimers and raises money to help find a cure. In honor of our 30 years of service, we are raising $30,000. We have seen a tremendous amount of support so far and we are so close to reaching our goal!

Alzheimer’s does not discriminate as currently there are more than 6 million Americans who have Alzheimer’s or dementia, with 1 out of every 9 Americans who are over the age of 65. We continue to walk for our clients, our employees, and our friends who have lost loved ones not once but twice.  First to Alzheimer’s or dementia and again when they pass from this earth

If you would like to join our Walk Team or donate to the Alzheimer’s Association, please use this link: http://act.alz.org/goto/eaglefein