15 Feb ICAN Puppy Gram
Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C.
We had an extra special Valentine’s delivery- a puppy gram! This pup in training visited from ICAN. Read more about the ICAN organization below:
ICAN is meeting two important needs in our communities: (a) providing children and adults living with a disability greater independence and an opportunity for a more enriched life by partnering them with a service dog and (b) preparing offenders to return to our communities better equipped to successfully reintegrate with their families and obtain a job.
ICAN is the only service dog organization in Indiana that is accredited by Assistance Dogs International (ADI). ICAN is all about unleashing abilities and changing lives on both ends of the leash and is a 501(c)3 non-profit.
Visit them at https://www.icandog.org/