Monthly Moments with Inheralink

Monthly Moments with Inheralink


Welcome to Eagle & Fein, P.C. 

What makes your estate planning services stand out in the crowded marketplace?

We are diving deep into Inheralink and focusing on how you can create Purposely Designed Organized Plans™ to instill comfort and confidence in your clients that their wishes are being met.

We sat down with attorney and co-founder Brian Eagle to answer 5 common questions:

1. Why is Inheralink so important in your estate and elder law practice? 

2. How has this changed the way you practice? 

3. What is a purposely designed organized plan? 

4. How does Inheralink support you in creating purposely designed organized plans? 

5. What is one suggestion you would give to others to help them in their quest to create purposely designed organized plans for their clients? 


See the video below for Brian’s insights!